
Braswell's picture appeared!

If you are into pre war harp and have read this blog carefully for the last few months you might have heard about NC harmonica player Francum "Picollo" Braswell before.

From today on his masterly playing can get associated with a face finally, thanks to the kind help of his grandaughter Stark!

So may I present to you: Mister James Francum Braswell Sr.

As I usually do on my YouTube channel I also put together a little educational video about him, including one of his only two known recordings:



Chrissie Braswell Booth said...

Hi, I am Christina Braswell Booth. James Francum Braswell, Sr. is my grandfather. My father is James Francum Braswell, Jr. I have an album of my grandfather that we have never heard. I am inquiring about finding someone to transfer this to a CD. My grandfather and father are buried beside each other. I can't believe that he is so researched these many years latter. It is wonderful to hear him play. I played the 2 songs on the internet and my grandmother cried. She said, "Lord, I loved that man! Thank you, Christina Braswell Booth e-mail christina07@sccoast.net
I would love to talk to you.

Kevin Price said...

Hi Chrissie! I just purchased the CD named "Gastonia Gallop" which has your grandfather's two songs, and also a booklet with some interesting history. The famous cartoonist Robert Crumb published a 12 panel comic strip based off the song "When You Go a Courtin'". Hope you and your family have been doing well. Kevin Price

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have an example of Mr Braswell's artwork?

Anonymous said...

I have a wonderful drawing by Mr Braswell. It is of a barn dance with a fiddle player, and a harmonica player. It is signed Braswell "49 Houston Texas

Seth said...

And I bought the barn dance he drew featuring a harmonica player, a fiddler, and maybe another harmonica player or a jaw harp player. Says he was in Houston, Texas in 1949 at the date of signature.